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DC20: Official and Unofficial Contests
10,000¢ Hacker Pyramid
Back for DEFCON 20 - The 10,000¢ Hacker Pyramid!!! Come and be a lucky audience member who will participate with a DEFCON Celebrity in a fast paced game of Pyramid! It may be the last Dick Clark property to be Seacrested... so we're bringing it to you FIRST! Every contestant has a chance at the FABULOUS PRIZES - all the way up to the GRAND PRIZE of 10,000¢!!!!!!! (site),(twitter.)
Topics: 3 Posts: 13
3 13
Artwork Contest(s)
Want to try your hand with digital art for Defcon? (More info from Neil later.)
Topics: 2 Posts: 5
2 5
"Beverage" Cooling Contraption Contest
This contest was first held at Defcon 13. What is being planned for this year? More inside. (site)
Topics: 9 Posts: 42
9 42
by Nz0
BroCTF (Bro Capture The Flag)
Not to be confused with the original Capture the Flag (CTF), or the original OpenCTF (OCTF), the BroCTF is something new for this year. This description will likely change once I get more information from Pyr0. (site)
Topics: 4 Posts: 18
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4 18
by Cel
CTF: Binjitsu IV (name change expected)
Everyone knows Capture The Flag! You don't? Contestants apply l33t skillz in an all out cyber war demonstrating OS, application and network security dominance in order to gain unauthorized access and score points (digital flags) while simultaneously preventing others from doing the same. (site) (twitter) (DC20 page)
Topics: 7 Posts: 21
7 21
CTP : Capture the Packet
CTP is a network scavenger hunt. In this challenge, contestants will monitor the network, look for clues, solve puzzles, and win prizes. (signup)
Topics: 3 Posts: 9
3 9
Crack Me If You Can
For the 3rd year, KoreLogic is running the premiere password cracking contest. How many hashes can you crack during DEFCON? Fire up your CLOUD and GPUs. (site), (twitter)
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
Crash and Compile
Coding, compiling, competition, consumption (of alcohol) -- think of the fun! (site), (twitter.)
Topics: 8 Posts: 95
8 95
Dark Tangent s Tamper Evident Contest
"Impossible to reseal or reuse". Your goal is to prove them wrong and document your work every step of the way. (site)
Topics: 8 Posts: 90
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8 90
Defcon Badge
Forum for the Defcon 20 badge and badge-like discussion. (twitter), Copied link from last year: (<a href="Classified%3a%20DTS//FDUO">site</a>) (This link may change)
Topics: 6 Posts: 6
6 6
by mstc
Defcon Beard & Moustache Championship
Due to the growing number of awesome beards at DEFCON and the (popularity?) of the shitshow that is beardsmanship, it's time that folks were recognized for letting their unix beards fly. (site), (twitter), (facebook)
Topics: 2 Posts: 4
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2 4
Defcon Exploit Hackathon
Accept challenge to code a new exploitation utility for release during Defcon. (Description may change)
Topics: 1 Posts: 3
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1 3
by Chosen1
Defcon Short Story contest
RTFR inside and submit to us a short story. The topic may be of your choosing so long as it meets the guidelines in the rules. Read threads inside for more information
Topics: 15 Posts: 76
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15 76
by jamgrrl
Network Forensics Puzzle Contest
The Network Forensics Puzzle Contest is a challenging mystery requiring contestants to forensically analyze packet captures (and more!) to uncover an evil plot. (site), (twitter)
Topics: 4 Posts: 9
4 9
by Triskt
Hacker Jeopardy
Get the answer, provide the questions. Score the most points, and you win!
Topics: 8 Posts: 22
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8 22
by Regedit
Black Bag (Lockpicking Contest)
Contest run by Deviant, Black Bag is to replace Gringo Warrior. (Cot says: I am still waiting to hear if this received a thumbs-up or not: this comment needs to be updated and rmeoved when status is known.)
Topics: 2 Posts: 19
2 19
Hack Fortress
Hackers and gamers team up in the coolest gaming tournament at Defcon. Combining a hacking contest with a TF2 tourney, the teams must work together as actions in one environment impact the other. (twitter), (site)
Topics: 2 Posts: 2
2 2
Lockpicking Village
The Lock-Picking Village has many demonstrations and some contests. This is a run by mny volunteers such as Deviant and TOOOL-USA. This may include contests such as: Points Competition, Lock Field Stripping, Speed Picking Competition, and more!
Topics: 1 Posts: 2
1 2
Deviant Ollam
LosT @ Con Mystery Challenge
The LosT@Con Mystery Challenge returns to Defcon - will you complete the challenge? (site.), (Twitter: #mysterychallenge), (Twitter: 1o57)
Topics: 4 Posts: 18
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4 18
by krux
OCTF (Open Capture The Flag)
Not to be confused with the original Capture the Flag (CTF), OCTF is organized by The Open CTF Group to be played openly by people at Defcon. (Formerly known as the aCTF or "amateur Capture the Flag.") (site).
Topics: 1 Posts: 2
1 2
Project 2
A drop-in puzzle contest for novice to advanced individuals or teams who don't want to commit to doing a contest for the whole con. (site)
Topics: 3 Posts: 16
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3 16
by Nch&ted
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Scavenger Hunt
Discussions for The DefCon Scavenger Hunt. Send suggestions for the scavenger hunt list to scavlist (and here is where the at symbol can be placed) gmail (and of course you need a dot here) com, (Facebook), (twitter.)
Topics: 13 Posts: 62
13 62
by OM5
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0 0
The Schmooze Strikes Back - SECTF 3 (Social Engineering Capture the Flag 3)
Returning to Defcon 20, the Crew at is challenging you. We are inviting those of you who think you can use ethical social engineering skills to stretch your limits as a social engineer. A unique blend of information gathering, planning and attack vector execution will challenge the very core of every participant. This will be a different SE challenge as our focus is not on who can “get” the target the worst, but a true display of SE talents. (site)
Topics: 1 Posts: 2
1 2
The Schemaverse DEFCON Tournament (When Space elephants attack )
The Schemaverse is a space-based strategy game implemented entirely within a PostgreSQL database where you compete against other players using raw SQL commands. Use your SQL skills to interactively command your fleets to glory during this weekend-long tournament for the database geeks. Or, if your PL/pgSQL-foo is strong, wield it to write AI and have your fleet command itself while you enjoy the con! (site) , (Twitter)
Topics: 7 Posts: 14
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7 14
by Abstrct
Spot the Fed
The one and only Defcon "Spot the Fed" Contest
Topics: 1 Posts: 14
1 14
by astcell
Wall of Sheep
Are you a sheep? Maybe you are and don't know it. Think you can herd the sheep to slaughter? Do it! This is the Wall of Sheep. (site), (twitter)
Topics: 1 Posts: 5
1 5
DC20: Official and Unofficial Events
Be The Match Foundation - Bone Marrow Drive
Back for its third year! Take part of the coolest "Bio-Hack" around... register with "Be the Match" at DefCon, and take the first step to become a Bone Marrow Donor. (site), (blog), (twitter), (FaceBook), (Sign-up/Signup).
Topics: 3 Posts: 17
3 17
by Grendel
DEF CON Movie Night
Movies shown at DEF CON as premier, debut, or special presentations.
Topics: 3 Posts: 31
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3 31
DC101 is the Alpha to the closing ceremonies' Omega. It's the place to go to learn about the many facets of Con and to begin your Defconian Adventure. Whether you're a n00b or a long time attendee, DC101 can start you on the path toward maximizing your DefCon Experiences. (site), (twitter)
Topics: 5 Posts: 55
5 55
*UNOFFICIAL* Defcon Kids
Focused on content for beginner hackers age 8-16, we have a classroom for kids to participate in demos and workshops, such as learning how to open Master locks, Google Hacking, making Electronics, Social Engineering, coding in Scratch and Communicating in Code. (site), (twitter)
Topics: 1 Posts: 2
1 2
*UNOFFICIAL* Defcon Shoot
Las Vegas, targets, people, weapons, fun. (site.)
Topics: 25 Posts: 484
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25 484
by Weinie
Hacker Karaoke
Hackers, Karaoke... What more do you need to know? Time: ... Location: ... (site), (twitter.)
Topics: 4 Posts: 10
4 10
by meee
Hardware Hacking Village
Just as the name implies, this is a forum for discussion of the new Hardware Hacking Village. (twitter)
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8 47
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Get your head buzzed at DC 20 to support the EFF! (twitter) ()
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0 0
The Official #BloodKode Challenge
Q: What can you get a hacker that has it all?!?
A: How about some blood & bone marrow!
(Twitter: #BloodKode)
Topics: 3 Posts: 56
3 56
Back for a fifth blowout year, Skytalks are presentations (55-110 min) that are designed to overclock your brain with cutting edge information about sensitive topics that you might not be able to freely discuss or research from the privacy of your own home, workplace, or favorite con. (Facebook), (twitter), (site)
Topics: 4 Posts: 15
4 15
Wireless Village
Everything you always wanted to know about wireless (802.11, bluetooth, RFID) and Amateur Radio all in one place. The Defcon 20 Wireless Village is the place you will want to be. Stop by, listen, learn and have fun.
Topics: 7 Posts: 38
7 38
by Nikita
DC20: Official and Unofficial Parties and Social Gatherings
*UNOFFICIAL* The 303 Badge / Party
(Temporary Description) This private party is NOT run by Defcon Staff, but is instead created through hard work and contributions by the 303 for the 303 and many people at Defcon.
Topics: 2 Posts: 17
2 17
Defcon Cycle_OverRide (was: Defcon Bike)
Rent bicycles, hire a guide, and endure a 2 Hour bike ride in the Las Vegas heat! Got Water? (schedule), (Join List/Form), (twitter), (#hacktheheat)
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5 26
Goon Band -- Recognize
Back again, the Defcon Goon Band, Recognize, to play in the SECRET LOCATION at Defcon 20! (Where "Secret Location" is TBA.)
Topics: 2 Posts: 5
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2 5
by Chris
Forum Meet
An informal gathering of people on the forums at Defcon. (twitter), (#DFM20)
Topics: 3 Posts: 24
3 24
DEF-CON XX Official Arts & Entertainment Planning+Update Forum
Pools, hackers, sunburns, dragons?, rappers, djs, musicians, spies & interactives! (twitter/facebook links to be revised later.)
Forums: General Updates/Planning , Black & White Balls , The Pool , Chillout.
Topics: 7 Posts: 54
7 54
by b00sted
The Pool (1/15)
Chillout (0/0)
The Hackbus is the most entertaining method of going to Defcon from the SF bay area. It also carries passengers to the Defcon Shoot and the Toxic BBQ. (Information Site), (Image Site), (Twitter), (Facebook), (Blog(external link))
Topics: 2 Posts: 4
2 4
Topics: 1 Posts: 65
1 65
by Nikita
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Ninja Networks Badge and Events
Forum for threads about the badge and the party. (site) (twitter)
Topics: 1 Posts: 22
1 22
*UNOFFICIAL* Pre-Defcon Party
Pre-Defcon party at the Alexis Park - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. (site)
Topics: 2 Posts: 49
2 49
Open to everyone, but goaled to including GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered) Hackers at Defcon-- its a party within Defcon! (site) (facebook)
Topics: 2 Posts: 14
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2 14
The Summit EFF Fundraiser
Summary: theSummit is a Fund Raiser for the Electronic Frontier Foundation on Thursday Night between Black Hat and DEF CON events.(twitter), (site)
Topics: 6 Posts: 21
6 21
Where planning and discussion about the Toxic BBQ Event takes place. (site.)
Topics: 6 Posts: 66
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6 66
by Pwncess
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