This is Little Boy Blue Speaking - Max Kennedy

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  • LittleBoyBlue
    • Jun 2024
    • 8

    This is Little Boy Blue Speaking - Max Kennedy

    (Submitted last Thursday with confirmation, don't see any public listing of any of the stories yet, so here it is again)
    This is Little Boy Blue Speaking
    Max Kennedy

    I wasn’t going to do this. Then I decided I would.

    Little Boy Blue is an undefined cultural icon and a fictional character discussed in the hacker community using pop culture references like the song Boy Blue, the beginning of the movie Hackers, and even a regretfully chosen nursery rhyme.

    He is also a real hacker, and so is this story; I am him, and this has been part of my life. You read and watch what you want.


    On engaging, or not – I don’t post or engage much anymore, and there is no reason I should. Until something is done about retaliation in real life, there is no reason to, because that is the real problem. I have given up thinking of the number of people who have told me I have a permanent, non expiring hit contract on me, or have helped, it’s a lot. And from all across the country and for a long time. And I can’t count the number of times someone has pulled a weapon on me or tried to set something up, because I always think of another example to add when I do. It’s gone on most of my life. I am not skilled at dealing with such things, or particularly trained for it. I learned the hard way through experience what was happening.

    And here are some of the reasons for me coming out now. They would include,


    Not being able to approach anyone to tell them what is going on. Being retaliated against sometimes when I do,

    With cops, da’s, and others you might approach being “connected”, and reporting back to the mob. And knowing that this is what has to be taken care of if anything is taken care of, that you have to be able to report these things without fear of retaliation. And it affects the whole society when allowed to grow and fester. It’s an existential threat to the country, and has to be dealt with. Else the enshitiffication of the whole country, let alone the networks in it, continues unstopped and anything good in it dies, along with the good people.


    On my last trip to DEF CON in 2017, being warned of laser sights from guns and hit men along the way. And at the destination, the same, and hearing people talk about it in front of you. Nothing new, it’s been happening for a long time.


    Having the VP of a fortune 20 company talk about it like there is nothing he can do. “I park in the garage”. Being asked about men racing across roofs with guns years later.


    Tired of having really moist burial sites talked about right in front of me, everything disintegrates fast, and where there is lots of dirt, and of dumping grounds they clean up every morning. Having the head of security at a Bell company in a, unconnected with hacking, shared interest group tell me he can’t do anything about it because they’re protected.


    Knowing there is a lot of people thinking they can’t talk to anyone safely. And it is just like people online not talking, because online is part of life, and you get retaliated against.


    Having a hitman pull a gun on me at a charity event next to someone I love. Having to tell her I care, but there isn’t anything I (I thought then) I can do.

    Watching the daughters of someone I knew grew up bad and get involved. I thought about it 5, 6 years. I reported them. It was the right thing to do.

    Remembering the kids around me at an early age being affected and recruited... at eight, nine.


    Hearing stories of other hackers being affected, decades ago in the 90s, and then hearing about it at a DEF CON convention.


    Seeing it happen to a famous person and friend who had a high priced contract placed on him. Seeing him either go into hiding or I fear he is dead.


    Being ground into the ground, taking menial jobs, sometimes getting ahead, rising up, getting metaphorically whacked again and never getting enough money or power to even half way deal with this. And wanting to. Wanting the whole time. And knowing it’s enshitification of the whole society again.


    Seeing myself get older and realize I still haven’t figured out a way to deal with this. Realizing I’ve always been tougher, or at least stood up to things...

    And so here I am.

    Knowing no one else talked about it, so I had to learn the hard and slow way all my life. So I am talking about it. Right now. Right here.

    And although this in earnest probably started when I refused to join in in tapping bell computers and packet switches for the mob before I left high school, in truth it probably started long before that and in a different place, because this stuff has seeped into the societal structure like an oozing fungating cancer.

    I can not see for the world that the society can survive at all as a prosperous and free country for that much longer. And it is a growing problem. When this started with me, I saw the mob using phones, dedicated lines and fax machines to discuss things. You had to look up someone. Now I see automation. Text messages, card swipers, id machines, cell phones, apps. And ever more people involved in it. Towns where everyone is family in a criminal way, and now the cities near them are also going or are gone.

    We all know drugs and money flows across borders. But so does murder and the jobs for it, and the corruption that takes away our government and freedom. An international, no borders, pervasive, malevolent threat. Foreigners are going and coming in the country picking up hit contracts, try traveling the youth hostel circuit in this country with one on you, and likewise contracts are flowing in and out of the country. It’s an outside threat and international threat. And when they are made here they go back to their host countries. An international problem. And by the way, none of them were Hispanic in my case, at least so far. Maybe it was the time period, but it was the mob.

    Technology is only making it worse, and it is becoming unlivable. The best and brightest will get whacked for greed and envy and a petty sense of personal power as achievement because it is easy and not being checked. And the news carries stories of whistle blowers winding up dead, even corporate whistle blowers for a jet maker, or of scientists and researchers, and the whole country is again being shitified by thugs. And it isn’t just for whistle blowing, it will be because you didn’t give up a job, or a gf, or something else they wanted, or maybe you didn’t bow down to them in the land of the free. Let me elaborate for you what free people would do. No, I probably don’t have to.

    An only online community can’t deal with it, because while no force can be used online, hackers don’t live online, they have real bodies and physical needs. You need jails, police, guns, or at least a lynch mob if you are living in a societal breakdown. But you aren’t, you have jails, police, guns, it’s just been infiltrated and corrupted. And even they can’t operate if no one “petitions the government” for relief.

    Just report it. Keep on reporting it. Don’t stop reporting it until it happens. Information is king. If you want your institutions free and trustworthy again, give it and the people the information they need.

    After a lifetime of observation, that can be a lot. And remember, permanent non-expiring contracts you can’t rescind means all the crimes are connected, you only have to pick up one, and everyone who is connected and “family” with them is just as guilty, throughout the country, and as it includes many foreigners, throughout the world. They look up these contracts through the telephones and networks, they’re all directly connected by being directly connected. And in my observation, that is how it works. Everyone involved in this mob across the country is aware of these contracts or can easily find out. That is not a very strong system if even one person can connect the whole thing to murder and attempted murder, and it isn’t just one person, it’s many people through years, all of them disgusted by this villainy. To the phones and bring it down!
  • number6
    404 Image not found
    • Apr 2019
    • 2113

    Originally posted by LittleBoyBlue
    (Submitted last Thursday with confirmation, don't see any public listing of any of the stories yet, so here it is again)
    This is Little Boy Blue Speaking
    Max Kennedy

    I wasn’t going to do this. Then I decided I would.

    Little Boy Blue is an undefined cultural icon and a fictional character discussed in the hacker community using pop culture references like the song Boy Blue, the beginning of the movie Hackers, and even a regretfully chosen nursery rhyme.

    He is also a real hacker, and so is this story; I am him, and this has been part of my life. You read and watch what you want.


    On engaging, or not – I don’t post or engage much anymore, and there is no reason I should. Until something is done about retaliation in real life, there is no reason to, because that is the real problem. I have given up thinking of the number of people who have told me I have a permanent, non expiring hit contract on me, or have helped, it’s a lot. And from all across the country and for a long time. And I can’t count the number of times someone has pulled a weapon on me or tried to set something up, because I always think of another example to add when I do. It’s gone on most of my life. I am not skilled at dealing with such things, or particularly trained for it. I learned the hard way through experience what was happening.

    And here are some of the reasons for me coming out now. They would include,


    Not being able to approach anyone to tell them what is going on. Being retaliated against sometimes when I do,

    With cops, da’s, and others you might approach being “connected”, and reporting back to the mob. And knowing that this is what has to be taken care of if anything is taken care of, that you have to be able to report these things without fear of retaliation. And it affects the whole society when allowed to grow and fester. It’s an existential threat to the country, and has to be dealt with. Else the enshitiffication of the whole country, let alone the networks in it, continues unstopped and anything good in it dies, along with the good people.


    On my last trip to DEF CON in 2017, being warned of laser sights from guns and hit men along the way. And at the destination, the same, and hearing people talk about it in front of you. Nothing new, it’s been happening for a long time.


    Having the VP of a fortune 20 company talk about it like there is nothing he can do. “I park in the garage”. Being asked about men racing across roofs with guns years later.


    Tired of having really moist burial sites talked about right in front of me, everything disintegrates fast, and where there is lots of dirt, and of dumping grounds they clean up every morning. Having the head of security at a Bell company in a, unconnected with hacking, shared interest group tell me he can’t do anything about it because they’re protected.


    Knowing there is a lot of people thinking they can’t talk to anyone safely. And it is just like people online not talking, because online is part of life, and you get retaliated against.


    Having a hitman pull a gun on me at a charity event next to someone I love. Having to tell her I care, but there isn’t anything I (I thought then) I can do.

    Watching the daughters of someone I knew grew up bad and get involved. I thought about it 5, 6 years. I reported them. It was the right thing to do.

    Remembering the kids around me at an early age being affected and recruited... at eight, nine.


    Hearing stories of other hackers being affected, decades ago in the 90s, and then hearing about it at a DEF CON convention.


    Seeing it happen to a famous person and friend who had a high priced contract placed on him. Seeing him either go into hiding or I fear he is dead.


    Being ground into the ground, taking menial jobs, sometimes getting ahead, rising up, getting metaphorically whacked again and never getting enough money or power to even half way deal with this. And wanting to. Wanting the whole time. And knowing it’s enshitification of the whole society again.


    Seeing myself get older and realize I still haven’t figured out a way to deal with this. Realizing I’ve always been tougher, or at least stood up to things...

    And so here I am.

    Knowing no one else talked about it, so I had to learn the hard and slow way all my life. So I am talking about it. Right now. Right here.

    And although this in earnest probably started when I refused to join in in tapping bell computers and packet switches for the mob before I left high school, in truth it probably started long before that and in a different place, because this stuff has seeped into the societal structure like an oozing fungating cancer.

    I can not see for the world that the society can survive at all as a prosperous and free country for that much longer. And it is a growing problem. When this started with me, I saw the mob using phones, dedicated lines and fax machines to discuss things. You had to look up someone. Now I see automation. Text messages, card swipers, id machines, cell phones, apps. And ever more people involved in it. Towns where everyone is family in a criminal way, and now the cities near them are also going or are gone.

    We all know drugs and money flows across borders. But so does murder and the jobs for it, and the corruption that takes away our government and freedom. An international, no borders, pervasive, malevolent threat. Foreigners are going and coming in the country picking up hit contracts, try traveling the youth hostel circuit in this country with one on you, and likewise contracts are flowing in and out of the country. It’s an outside threat and international threat. And when they are made here they go back to their host countries. An international problem. And by the way, none of them were Hispanic in my case, at least so far. Maybe it was the time period, but it was the mob.

    Technology is only making it worse, and it is becoming unlivable. The best and brightest will get whacked for greed and envy and a petty sense of personal power as achievement because it is easy and not being checked. And the news carries stories of whistle blowers winding up dead, even corporate whistle blowers for a jet maker, or of scientists and researchers, and the whole country is again being shitified by thugs. And it isn’t just for whistle blowing, it will be because you didn’t give up a job, or a gf, or something else they wanted, or maybe you didn’t bow down to them in the land of the free. Let me elaborate for you what free people would do. No, I probably don’t have to.

    An only online community can’t deal with it, because while no force can be used online, hackers don’t live online, they have real bodies and physical needs. You need jails, police, guns, or at least a lynch mob if you are living in a societal breakdown. But you aren’t, you have jails, police, guns, it’s just been infiltrated and corrupted. And even they can’t operate if no one “petitions the government” for relief.

    Just report it. Keep on reporting it. Don’t stop reporting it until it happens. Information is king. If you want your institutions free and trustworthy again, give it and the people the information they need.

    After a lifetime of observation, that can be a lot. And remember, permanent non-expiring contracts you can’t rescind means all the crimes are connected, you only have to pick up one, and everyone who is connected and “family” with them is just as guilty, throughout the country, and as it includes many foreigners, throughout the world. They look up these contracts through the telephones and networks, they’re all directly connected by being directly connected. And in my observation, that is how it works. Everyone involved in this mob across the country is aware of these contracts or can easily find out. That is not a very strong system if even one person can connect the whole thing to murder and attempted murder, and it isn’t just one person, it’s many people through years, all of them disgusted by this villainy. To the phones and bring it down!
    Usually, the organizers work to judge the contests and publish all of the stories in one ore more threads, and then offer some way for people to vote on them for people's choice.
    That is from the past. I am not an organizer. Nothing I write is authoritative for this contest.
    Good luck!


    • LittleBoyBlue
      • Jun 2024
      • 8

      ...ten characters...
      Last edited by LittleBoyBlue; June 22, 2024, 20:14. Reason: redundant post


      • LittleBoyBlue
        • Jun 2024
        • 8

        Originally posted by number6

        Usually, the organizers work to judge the contests and publish all of the stories in one ore more threads, and then offer some way for people to vote on them for people's choice.
        That is from the past. I am not an organizer. Nothing I write is authoritative for this contest.
        Good luck!
        Yes I know, but sometimes people have also posted them individually in the past when there is confusion on the instructions - this year it says public listing on June 22nd, but someone else put 30th at top - which is way too late to check to make sure it is included. So posting it like other writers have sometimes done it the past. Thanks for the reply!

        ie It is your responsibility to verify that your story is included in the public listing on June 22nd. Failure to contact us within 24 hours after it has gone up disqualifies your story. If you do not see your story, please contact us at the provided email. (Same day pretty much as past)
        Last edited by LittleBoyBlue; June 22, 2024, 20:16.


        • number6
          404 Image not found
          • Apr 2019
          • 2113

          Originally posted by LittleBoyBlue

          Yes I know, but sometimes people have also posted them individually in the past when there is confusion on the instructions - this year it says public listing on June 22nd, but someone else put 30th at top - which is way too late to check to make sure it is included. So posting it like other writers have sometimes done it the past. Thanks for the reply!

          ie It is your responsibility to verify that your story is included in the public listing on June 22nd. Failure to contact us within 24 hours after it has gone up disqualifies your story. If you do not see your story, please contact us at the provided email. (Same day pretty much as past)
          Good deal. I was not complaining or criticizing your post. I do not run this contest. I do run forums, and try to help set expectations.
          Self promotion is something many people find effective, and can be an example of hacking a system.
          Some might view it like periodically contacting HR (when possible) after applying for a job to see if the hiring manager has found anything missing with your application, or if they need more details, to get your name associated with an interest to correctly complete the tasks you are assigned and personify your application as belonging to a real person.
          How effective that might be? I don't know; I don't run this contest.
          If the people that run this contest ask me to move your content to another forum like general discussion or DC 32 general planning, I'll do that, because this forum is for their contest, and they run their contest.

          Good luck on your entry!


          • SweetGrrl
            • Jun 2014
            • 103

            Hi. This is one of the organizers. This is not a sanctioned post. Thanks.


            • LittleBoyBlue
              • Jun 2024
              • 8

              Originally posted by SweetGrrl
              Hi. This is one of the organizers. This is not a sanctioned post. Thanks.
              The last time I submitted a story, some of the writers posted in the forum too to make sure submission was recieved.


              • number6
                404 Image not found
                • Apr 2019
                • 2113

                Organizers of contest found this was misplaced: thread has been moved to DEF CON 32 general discussion and planning.
                There is a redirect from the old location which will disappear in 24 hours, leaving just this thread at the final destination.


                • LittleBoyBlue
                  • Jun 2024
                  • 8

                  It is missing my story I submitted on June 13th, 8:56pm, and got a receipt for it. "This is little boy blue speaking". I tried contacting you when the public listings did not appear, and also already told people I wrote a story for the conference.


                • LittleBoyBlue
                  • Jun 2024
                  • 8

                  Originally posted by number6
                  Organizers of contest found this was misplaced: thread has been moved to DEF CON 32 general discussion and planning.
                  There is a redirect from the old location which will disappear in 24 hours, leaving just this thread at the final destination.
                  Ok thanks for moving it and not deleting it.


                  • LittleBoyBlue
                    • Jun 2024
                    • 8

                    I will be speaking about these things and more at a special event Saturday Evening in Las Vegas. TBA. for details as event approaches, email

                    I will speak about the mob, hitmen, protecting yourself and society, and the actual last days of Operation Sundevil (as it should be), the LoD, MOD, the 90s and much more. (MOD is purposely not an acronym, and capitalized to emphasize it. Find out why later.)

                    It will be about loss of innocence, why 80's style hacking ended (it wasn't law enforcement - it was threats), and protecting yourselves and others.
                    Last edited by LittleBoyBlue; July 15, 2024, 09:41.

