DEF CON info on the go: eBooks of Schedule/Recent News/Musical Entertainment/FAQ/etc.

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  • qumqats
    DEF CON groupie & goon
    • Jul 2003
    • 134

    DEF CON info on the go: eBooks of Schedule/Recent News/Musical Entertainment/FAQ/etc.

    I've had a Kindle for quite a while now, and I'm still loving it.

    Last year when I started planning for DEF CON I realized that I'd much prefer to have the program and other info in an eBook on my Kindle then leafing back and forth in the paper program of Talks trying to figure out which talk to go to next. The Kindle indexes everything so it can be searched, I can bookmark items of interest, do annotations, etc..

    In response to this perceived need, for the second year in a row, I've started scraping the Schedule, Recent News, FAQ, and Musical Entertainment schedule info from the DEF CON 20 site and have created eBooks in the two most popular file formats.

    As the pages on the DEF CON web get updated I'll update the books so you have the latest info.

    These eBooks are available here eBooks DEF CON 20

    The eBooks that are there are a work in progress. I'll be making improvements between now and the start of con.
    Feel free to let me know what you think.

    Please copy this thread to the "Defcon 20 and beyond" forum when it is created.
    Please consider placing some reference to these files on the main con site.
    Please consider placing these files on the DVD received at registration. ( opps, too late for that! )

  • astcell
    Human Rights Issuer
    • Oct 2001
    • 7512

    Re: DEF CON info on the go: eBooks of Schedule/Recent News/Musical Entertainment/FAQ/

    For those of us on the fence about which to get, can you post some screen shots?


    • sintax_error
      DC949 Alchemist
      • Aug 2008
      • 488

      Re: DEF CON info on the go: eBooks of Schedule/Recent News/Musical Entertainment/FAQ/

      I can attest that last year's ebook was pretty useful, and well put together. Thanks for that and your work on it this year, qumqats.
      "You have cubed asscheeks?"... "Do you not?"


      • qumqats
        DEF CON groupie & goon
        • Jul 2003
        • 134

        Re: DEF CON info on the go: eBooks of Schedule/Recent News/Musical Entertainment/FAQ/

        sintax_error - Thanks for the good words. I'd like to improve the error checking. There's some links on the schedule page that don't work that I'm not checking for. The result is that some links in the schedule book don't work as expected.

        astcell - I'll add a link to the source web pages, and add some screen captures, either posted here or on the web page, I'd prefer to not clutter the web page too much so that it works well for mobile users.

        I'll update the ebooks at least once before con. I'm hoping for a venue map update, and there's already been changes on the news and schedule pages.


        • Nikita
          • Apr 2006
          • 763

          Re: DEF CON info on the go: eBooks of Schedule/Recent News/Musical Entertainment/FAQ/

          The full program will be included on the Con DVD handed out at reg, just FYI.
          Plus it will be made available to download that weekend too.

          Keep up the good work yall!
          "Haters, gonna hate"


          • qumqats
            DEF CON groupie & goon
            • Jul 2003
            • 134

            more DEF CON info for on the go

            Karl Sigler @ksigler has tweeted thanks that @SecuraBit has provided usable #DEFCON and #BSidesLV schedules in Google Calendar and ical formats

            pr00f @pr00fster has tweeted that he has created a PDF of the #DEFCON schedule and put it on dropbox

            I will be creating and posting an up dated version of my eBooks on Monday night. This new version will have corrections and additions to reflect the latest of many changes

            I'm starting to pack and get really hyped!!! :) DEFCON!!!


            • qumqats
              DEF CON groupie & goon
              • Jul 2003
              • 134

              Re: DEF CON info on the go: eBooks of Schedule/Recent News/Musical Entertainment/FAQ/

              Updates to the eBooks have been released! Everything except the FAQ is new.

              The most important updates are the Schedule ( new talks, new speakers, errors corrected ) and the Floorplan ( DC 20 floorplan instead of a year old DC 19 plan )

              If you've downloaded the floorplan before now DON'T USE IT! Re-Download the new one.


              @defconparties has tweeted a link to the party schedule


              • qumqats
                DEF CON groupie & goon
                • Jul 2003
                • 134

                Re: DEF CON info on the go: eBooks of Schedule/Recent News/Musical Entertainment/FAQ/

                Mikko Hypponen has tweeted us to get @schweitzer's excellent HTML5 schedules for DEF CON, Blackhat, BsidesLV.

                Check out

                also ical and downloadable versions for local viewing!


                • TheCotMan
                  *****Retired *****
                  • May 2004
                  • 8860

                  Re: DEF CON info on the go: eBooks of Schedule/Recent News/Musical Entertainment/FAQ/

                  Thread continues in New Thread (link: for logged-in users)

